4.18.25 | 6p
4.20.25 | 10a
4.18.25 | 6p
4.20.25 | 10a
Watch online
Join our service live on Sundays or watch past services from anywhere. Our service will be streamed on our website, Facebook and YouTube.
8:30a | adult sunday school
with jim pillers | room 113
9a | adult sunday school
with larry marchant | room 116
9a | taste of grace café coffee shop
come enjoy your sunday morning coffee in the café | 9-9:55a
alternative milk options | iced + hot | teas | italian sodas
9a | youth sunday school
room 115 | 9-12th grade
10a | service
nursery | 0-2
pre-k/k | 3-7
naz kids church | 1st-5th grades
first sunday of the month is family sunday | naz kids join main worship service

wednesday activities
7p | naz kids
1st- 5th grade | rm 111
6:30p | youth group
6th-12th grade | gym
7p | adult classes
see calendar for details and classes

what is faith promise?
• An offering above the tithe that God commands us to give, and in addition to our other regular giving.
• It is an agreement that God and I make together to give as He makes me able.
• It's about stretching! It’s about growing!
• It’s about seeing what God can do through me/my family when we partner with Him and trust Him more than we ever have before!
• It is an agreement that God and I make together to give as He makes me able.
• It's about stretching! It’s about growing!
• It’s about seeing what God can do through me/my family when we partner with Him and trust Him more than we ever have before!
where do our faith promise offerings go?
World Evangelism Fund— the pool of money our denomination uses to finance our missionary efforts in over 160 countries!
Our own Work & Witness teams as they go to do God’s work around the world.
Please mark your Faith Promise offerings with "Faith Promise" to ensure proper dispersement
Our own Work & Witness teams as they go to do God’s work around the world.
Please mark your Faith Promise offerings with "Faith Promise" to ensure proper dispersement