Men's ministry

"The glory of God is a man fully alive." -Irenaeus 

What is SPRIF?

If you have resources to help men invest in their spiritual development, shoot us an email: Examples: Bible studies, books, podcasts, sermons, devotionals, etc.
My Bible Tracker App
Keep track of your Bible reading progress by using this app together with your favorite Bible. This visual progress representation will fuel your motivation and make sure you never forget where you left off.

Here are some cool features to this app:
  • Mark the chapters you have read
  • Easily see which chapters and books are completed
  • Partially read books are highlighted to encourage you to continue reading
  • Create multiple Bible Trackers for different purposes
  • Customize your Trackers with names and colors
  • A percentage will show you how much of the Bible you have read
  • The Stats page will show you information about number of chapters and books read
  • Unlock achievements as you go
  • No annoying notifications
  • There are no timed plans where you fall behind, which lets you progress at your own pace
  • As useful for those who need years to complete the reading, as for those who read every day

The My Bible Tracker app is available on Apple and Android platforms.
S.O.A.P Journaling
If you're looking for a way to tackle your Bible reading, you might like the S.O.A.P journal technique. SOAP is a simple method for reading and applying God's word to our lives.
SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer and involves four simple steps:
  • Scripture – Read a short Bible passage out loud and/or write it out.
  • Observation – What do you notice about the verses? What do you think the main message is? What verses, words or ideas jump out to you?
  • Application – Ask God how he wants you to apply the verse to your own life.
  • Prayer – Pray for yourself and/or for others.
The method is suitable for individual and group use. This is my go-to devotional method. I'd be willing to help someone get started if they needed help.
If you have resources or know of events that men can join to improve their physical health and well-being, shoot us an email: Examples: hikes, camping trips, fishing, running, weight lifting, walking, etc.
Deck of Cards Workout Routine:
Cliff shared, what he calls, a "Deck of Cards Workout". Here's how it's done:

  1. Take a deck of playing cards minus the jokers.
  2. Assign an exercise for each suit.
  3. Draw a card, then do that number of repetitions of the exercise assigned to that suit.

Things to know:
  • Cards 2-10 are face value; jacks are 11; queens are 12; kings are 13; aces are 15.
  • When you complete the deck, you will have done 105 reps of each exercise.
  • By modifying the exercises assigned to each suit, you can design a beginner’s level workout on up to a truly elite level workout, or you can target one part of the body (ex. an all-legs workout, all-arms workout, all-chest workout, all-abs workout, or total body workout).
  • Exercises can be done with weights, resistance bands, or just one’s own bodyweight.
  • Sample exercises include push-ups, dips, pull-ups, crunches, sit-ups, v-ups, leg lifts, squats, lunges, scissor kicks, high-knees, jumping jacks, curls, etc.
  • If you search “Deck of Cards Workout” on YouTube, you’ll find many variations.
If you have resources to help men build deep, satisfying relationships shoot us an email:
If you have resources to help men keep their mind sharp, shoot us an email: Examples: classes, books, podcasts, projects, hobbies, etc.
Yakima Valley Community College Gold Card
As a senior citizen, 60 years of age or older, and a Washington State resident, you are encouraged to take advantage of the Gold Card Program at Yakima Valley College (YVC). A Gold Card allows you to attend state supported classes at a reduced cost. The Gold Card also allows for attendance at ball games and some other college presentations without charge. To qualify for a Gold Card waiver, you must be at least 60 years of age prior to the quarter you are planning to attend.

Gold Card holders are invited to attend designated day or evening state funded classes in which established class size is not exceeded and permission is granted by the instructor. Gold Card holders may enroll on the third day of the quarter or when the class has met at least once, whichever is later. One or two classes may be taken on a space-available basis for $5 plus fees.

Fees include any applicable lab fees, plus a $4.50 per credit combined service fee, a $4.50 per credit technology fee, and a $4.50 per credit ELearning fee. The Gold Card holder is responsible for buying any required class supplies or materials. Gold Card holders do not receive college credit and do not have to be take tests. A grade of “N” (audit) is posted on your transcript. A Gold Card is not valid for “community service” classes or seminars.

A Gold Card may be obtained at the Registration & Records Office located in the Deccio Higher Education Building (#8) or email A written request listing first name, last name, address, phone number, date of birth, and photo ID may also be forwarded to:
Yakima Valley College
Information Office: Attention Gold Card
PO Box 22250
Yakima, WA 98907-2520

Note: Gold Card holders are subject to the same parking regulations as all students. Our brother, George Montanaro has used this resource and is willing the help anybody navigate the enrollment process.

If you have resources for men to being better stewards of the money God puts in their hands, shoot us an email: Examples: Classes, strategies, budget tools, contact information, etc.
EveryDollar App
Get started with EveryDollar in about 10 minutes. Build your first budget, customize categories, track expenses, set up savings funds—and more! EveryDollar has helped millions of people learn to love budgeting by taking the stress out of planning and managing money. You’ll be amazed how much faster you can reach your goals—just by budgeting with EveryDollar. EveryDollar is available on Apple and Android platforms.

  • Pick one area of the SPRIF formula to work on. In what ways will you work to build your competence in your spiritual life, your physical life, your relationships, your intellect, or your finance?
  • Start to build your Circle of 5. Who are the 5 men in your life that will help you and hold you accountable? Call them. Text them. Invite them for coffee. Start the conversation.
  • Send us any pray requests, celebrations, and updates regarding your respective groups. You can't do this alone! Prayer requests and updates can be sent to
  • If you know of other men or churches that would like to be a part of this community, let us know and we will add their contact information to our mailing list. Email contact information to: